First episode of Let It Be podcast

In case you missed it, the first episode of my podcast that follows the Beatles recording/filming sessions from January 1969, you can find it here.

Beatles on January 31, 1969

Here it is… the last day of the Let It Be sessions. It’s not the end of the story though. Click the beautiful grey bar to listen. Come back in a few days to find out how we get from January 1969 to Let It Be’s release 14 months later.

Beatles on January 30, 1969

Today we examine the famed Beatles Rooftop Concert. Multiple versions of five songs will be recorded today. In addition to what you expect, we will get a street-level view of the concert. Road Manager Mal Evans proves his usefulness by stalling the police as soon as they get in the door. Other than his brief appearance in Help! I think this is the only recording I have of Mal’s voice.

Beatles on January 29, 1969 podcast

Today is the last day before the famous Apple rooftop concert.  Apart from some complaining from Paul in the morning, there isn’t a whole lot of action today.  This will give us a little time to compare the Beatles productivity in January 1969 to other periods of their career.   George presents another new song.  Paul adds some cool vocals that make me wish the Beatles had recorded more of George’s good songs. 

Check it out and come back soon for the rooftop concert.

Bruce Springsteen’s apology

I’m going to take a break from the Let It Be podcast to talk about Bruce Springsteen’s recent apology for creating a stripped-down Greatest Hits CD to be sold exclusively at Wal-Mart.

You can click the grey bar below to hear all about it. I’ll also include some clips from Bruce’s New CD, Working on a Dream in case you are too lazy haven’t made it to his website.

Here is the extra credit portion I mentioned in the podcast.  From the New York Times: Continue reading

Beatles on January 28, 1969 podcast

In a way, this is the worst day of 1969 for the Beatles.  Satan appears.  Listen to the podcast and you’ll find out who I’m talking about.

Rock Dad is about to take a step up in the blogging world.  My Beatles stuff has found a new home.  I’ll tell you where it is when it’s live.