The Beatles on January 21, 1969 Podcast

All four Beatles returned to work on January 21, 1969.  Billy Preston gets credit for lightening their moods but the greatly improved atmosphere is evident today.  Billy won’t turn up until tomorrow afternoon.   John gives a crap, George isn’t so cranky, Paul is less bossy, and the little Ringo says is good-natured.

The existence of this session was overlooked until a few years ago.  I will tell you the story of how this happened because it is a good illustration of how knowledge advances. Continue reading

Beatles on January 10, 1969 Podcast

Listen in on what the Beatles 40 years ago today.  This is the big day.  Something happens today that changes everything. 

And I finally name check Doug Sulpy. 



Due to the schedule of the film crew, no recordings were made on January 11 or 12.  I’ll be back in three days with what happened on January 13, 1969.